Now on Amazon!
"First Love"
from Broken Hearts Can Still Love
"You stopped to help
Picked up the music sheets
And interrupted my heartache
Brown hair, blue eyes
Mesmerized by their candor
I don’t know why,
but all I could do was idolize You ..."
by Rebecca Reddell

Find all of Rebecca Reddell's books on Amazon
Author Rebecca Reddell
Writing has always been a passion for Author Rebecca Reddell. Currently, she has eight published works on Amazon. Recently, she was nominated for the 2020 Author Academy Awards for Best Historical Fiction Book and has now made it to the Top 10 Finalists for Best Historical Fiction 2020 (starting at 36:41 if interested) in honor of the first book in her The Four Chronicles series, The Battle.

The Prayer Playlist
Rebecca's Write Inspirations
Welcome to Rebecca's Write Inspirations blog! This is where you'll find out more about the author's reading and writing, reviews, book lists, beloved authors, new book finds, and goals. She'll share about life, the writing process, and her new publications. Check-in, comment, share, and remember to visit her other social media sites.
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